Hi! I’m Emily.
Emily Johnson-Haug, FDN-P, CPT
I’m a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), and Precision Nutrition (L1) Certified Coach, with 5 years of experience coaching clients around the world.
Having grappled with my own persistent health challenges, I devoted years to research and invested heavily in my education.
Health is my passion.
My approach is to educate and guide clients with evidence-based techniques that emphasize behavior changes, healthy habit creation, and mindset transformation. I help clients solve their health puzzles and like to say I specialize in fixing humans as whole beings.
-Master’s in Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine Master (Currently completing)
-Functional Nutrition Diagnostic Practitioner (FDN-P)
-Precision Nutrition (L1) Certified in Nutrition and Coaching
-Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sports Administration and Technology from AISTS, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Lausanne & University of Geneva. In partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
-Nutrition certifications from the Clean Health Institute in the Science of Nutrition and Training the Physique Athlete
-Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through both the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the European Personal Training Institute
-Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in International Management & Economics from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
I believe…
I believe every person is unique and should be treated as an experiment of n=1.
I trust…
I trust in science and the power of nutrition, movement, and mindset to promote health.
I support…
I support all individuals who are motivated to be proactive with their health & habits.
My Health Story
I was 23 years old when I developed extreme abdominal pain. Doctors told me that everything checked out normal and it must be stress.
For a while, I was able to manage my pain through a strict diet and lifestyle. But as soon as I loosened my routines, the pain came back in force.
I knew there must be more and went back to the medical system.
It turned out that my previous doctors had missed a diagnosis of adenomyosis (similar to endometriosis) as well as an anatomical abnormality in my intestines that required surgery.
The usual treatments for adenomyosis are either removal of the uterus or hormonal treatments, yet…
I have succeeded through nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset in avoiding both.
My story is not your story, but there may be elements that are the same. We all have the power to advocate for ourselves in the healthcare system.
To get another opinion.
To understand our labs.
To change our habits.
I have personally battled not only persistent abdominal pain but also depression. Emotional eating. Body dysmorphia.
I have overcome these hurdles through nutrition, mindset, and the science of habit change.
I believe that food is medicine.
I believe that nourishing ourselves is the most direct path to well being.
I believe that we are each a unique and special experiment (n=1) to solve.
Now with more than 5 years of nutrition and health coaching behind me, I am more committed than ever to helping you solve your health puzzle and to find the foods, exercises, habits, and mindset that make you feel whole.
Ways I Can Help
Start by making ONE change
Start by making ONE change